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Quality assurance

We are committed to being the best semiconductor company in the world, providing customers with the highest quality products, the best product delivery and services. By gradually forming a global high-quality product culture and manufacturing sophisticated and flawless new products, Coreview Technology is constantly pursuing to improve the loyalty and trust of all customers to Coreview Technology. The cornerstone of our success is always to provide customers with the highest quality commercial products under the premise of technology licensing, and to improve the reliability of the products without compensation.

Coreview has a complete product batch tracking process, enhanced reliability monitoring procedures, failure analysis support, comprehensive parameterized wafer acceptance, and field application technical support around the world that are unique in the industry. To provide you with services.

Please read our quality management policy. This is the commitment of Coreview to customers, and also the commitment to improve the quality of our products and services.

Coreview will continue to explore and continuously improve the manufacturing system. We sincerely encourage customers to give us feedback on the company's product performance and areas for improvement.

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